BKC, s.r.o.
Registered office: Ivanská cesta 10, 821 04 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
IČO: 35800968
DIČ: 2020245942
VAT number: SK2020245942
Registered in the Commercial Register SK BA I. Insert no. 22956 / B
Supervisory authority:
SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava Region Prievozská 32, P.O. Box 5,820 07 Bratislava 27
Department of Technical Product Inspection and Consumer Protection
Telephone No. : 02/58272 172-3; 02/58272 104
E-mail: nr@soi.sk
Bank account numbers to be paid by transfer:
Tatra banka a.s. : 2627341326/1100 | IBAN SK87 1100 0000 0026 2734 1326 | BIC TATRSKBX